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Current Oklahoma Sports Betting Bills 2022 saw two major legal sports betting bills advance relatively far throughout the Oklahoma legislative session, but with the session having ended on May 27th, all that progress may have been for naught. The two bills that would eventually fall short were: While it is similar to last year's bill OK HB 3008, the only marginal difference is a sliding sports betting tax scale system ranging from 4-6% in comparison to last year's 10% tax. "The more they make, the more the state would benefit from it. And we certainly want to see our tribal partners prosper at this and be worth their while," said Luttrell. OK HB 1027 – Looks to make "sports pools" legal in Oklahoma both in person and through mobile devices. OK SB 1821 – One of the unique options proposed around the country in 2022, SB 1821 would have permitted individuals to place bets with each other, rather than having to place bets through a regulated body such as a sportsbook or casino.

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